Hey there!

@VASHUSTAMPEDE is an account which posts random pictures, quotes, and figures of Vash the Stampede from Trigun once every day!
It's still in development, so images and quotes are still being added - feel free to follow, though! The bot is overseen, in their free time, by one very passionate person hyperfixated on him, and all content posted is sure to only be from official sources.
I also RT Vash/Trigun fanart! Likes are full of any fanart that's been RT'ed. The account used to be an automated bot, but is now posted manually through scheduled tweets.
Tweets from me that aren't manually scheduled will be prefaced with slashes, ///like this!
DMs are open if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions!

You can also check out @NICO_WOLFWOOD for once-a-day posts of Nicholas D. Wolfwood, instead (though it is currently under hiatus for various changes!)

Love and Peace!!


What kind of content is being posted?

This account posts uneditedβ˜† screenshots and quotes of Vash the Stampede from:

  • the anime (Trigun; 1998)

  • the manga (Trigun; 1995-1997, Trigun Maximum; 2004 - 2009)

  • the manga pilot

  • the movie (Trigun: Badlands Rumble; 2010)

  • the art book (Trigun Art Book: Japanese Edition 1998)

  • the soundtrack albums for the anime (Trigun: The First Donuts, Trigun: The 2nd Donut Happy Pack, and Trigun Spicy Stewed Donut)

  • Trigun: Multiple Bullets (Badlands Rumble promotional manga anthology)

  • magazine covers (Young King OURs issued from 1997-2010)

  • the 2020 Brave Frontier crossover (held April 15th - May 6th)

  • figures (produced by Figurama, Fullcock, Kotobukiya, Kaiyodo, Cerberus Project/Yamato, McFarlane, Epoxy Parfait, and Nikukyu Daiou)

  • The Collected Paintings Mini Book of Trigun Maximum

  • Comickers Vol. 4

  • Official calendars (1999, 2002)

  • LaserDisc covers (1999)

More sources/content types are being considered! There are a few silly pics coded in as well, just for shits and giggles. Each picture is captioned with the source it came from, such as the episode or volume and chapter it was found. Other characters may also be in the images the bot posts, but the bot won't post anything without Vash in it.β˜† - Some posts may be edited to exclude massive spoilers. This is the only exception; see this page for details.

The quotes the bot posts are captioned with an emoji denoting which version said it, to both further credit the source material and differentiate them, as some things one Vash might say would be out-of-character for another. The emojis act in place of a written source to prevent clogging the letter limit per tweet.
The key for these emojis are as follows:

  • πŸ‘Ό Manga (Trigun, Trigun Maximum, Multiple Bullets)

  • 🍩 Original Anime (Trigun 1998)

  • πŸ”« Movie (Badlands Rumble)

  • 🌹 New Anime (Trigun Stampede 2023) [Coming soon!]

Does the bot reply when I comment?

It used to, back when it was actually a bot! The bot used to reply if you requested a picture of Vash from either the anime, manga, or movie. As of February 10th, 2023, however, the reply function was deactivated in anticipation of certain Twitter policies to be implemented. This is so that the bot wouldn't reach its monthly quota too early and be unable to tweet for the remainder of the month.If this is something that Twitter eventually reverses, I will re-implement it.

Are spoilers going to be posted?

As of right now, no massive spoilers will be posted (i.e. character death scenes, endings) for the sake of any newer fans following. Some screenshots may even be edited solely to exclude/censor such spoilers - these posts will be tagged accordingly. Some posts may still contain minor spoilers (i.e. lore-related), albeit out of context. If this is a concern, you may want to avoid following until you've finished the series.

Some of the screenshots look grainy!

An unfortunate side effect of the original source material being decades old, I'm afraid. The manga screenshots are of the highest quality available (direct digital scans), however the anime and movie were initially obtained through secondhand sources to avoid supporting Nightow directly (why?), and this is reflected in the quality of certain screenshots.In January 2023, I managed to get my hands on an official (though used) copy of the Trigun DVDs, and replaced all the 1998 anime screenshots I could with ones from the DVDs instead. For reasons I'm not completely sure of, some screenshots from the DVDs were too pixellated to be considered higher in quality than the old versions to no avail, so there are still some screenshots in the bot from the initial low-quality files I used.There should be no non-DVD images past episode 12, however!

Why won't you support Nightow?

CW: pedophilia, CP/child pornography, CSEMYasuhiro Nightow, the creator of Trigun, was one of several popular mangakas to release a statement of public support for Nobuhiro Watsuki's 2021 Rurouni Kenshin exhibition. Watsuki was arrested in 2017 for being found with so much child pornography that it was believed he would become a redistributor, had laws not been altered 3-4 years prior to make the material illegal. Watsuki himself admitted to being a pedophile in a personal, detailed statement of his attraction to minors.
Though Trigun and Trigun Maximum predate Nightow's support of Watsuki by decades, it is a personal choice of this bot's mod to avoid supporting him financially anyway. This is why all the material posted by the bot is obtained through secondhand sources.

Content / Trigger Warnings

Though this bot won't post many screenshots with too much graphic detail - as it's primarily Vash-oriented, and relatively light-hearted at that - it's important to address that the series is very dark, and some screenshots may show glimpses of it here and there. Most screenshots posted won't include these things, but regardless, here is a list of common triggers or squicks that may make an appearance on this bot - vague, frequent, or not - that I feel warrant a warning. This list will be kept updated as more screenshots are added.

  • Guns (bullets, pistols, revolvers, shotguns, missile launchers, toy replicas)

  • Guns / weapons aimed at the head, body or 4th wall

  • Explosions

  • Knives, blades

  • Blood (sometimes fake, but with strong resemblance, i.e. ketchup)

  • Gore / organs

  • Body horror / distortion, uncanny valley (mainly the Plants)

  • Alcohol / alcoholism / drinking

  • Smoking / cigarettes

  • Injuries (bullet wounds, severed limbs, deep scars, external metal implants)

  • Arm-specific damage

  • Frequent mentions of death, dying, killing, violence, etc.

  • Mentions of suicide, and implications of depression or suicidal ideation

  • Mentions of religion (Christianity - angels, crosses, prayer, etc.)

Please note that the screenshots in question will not be tagged with warnings themselves - by following the bot, you are aware of this content being posted and are okay with seeing it. If you see something you want added to this list, please feel free to DM me!


Of course, since I do not have the funds to buy and scan all Trigun media, I must rely on the dedicated fans online to provide scans and whatnot for the bot to post, since I don't have many physical volumes or DVDs myself. Some sources can go uncredited for various harmless reasons, but below I will list and update the sources where I obtained some of the content the bot posts.
If you own any of the figure images the bot posts and want me to take them down/replace them, please contact me through Twitter ASAP and I will!

- This blog deserves a mention for certain high quality scans - though not all scans are obtained through themβ˜†.
β˜†The manga screenshots and quotes that VASHUSTAMPEDE posts are from the Official Dark Horse Translation - nothing fan-made or edited from this blog is posted. It is mainly credited because of the high-quality Dark Horse scans which can be found on it.
- MyFigureCollection requires a mention for most images and information of the Vash figures the bot posts. [Figurama, Fullcock (Hold-up), Fullcock (Attack), Kotobukiya, Kotobukiya (Dark Shift), Kaiyodo, Kaiyodo (Dark Shift), Cerberus Project/Yamato, McFarlane Toys, Epoxy Parfait, and Nikukyu Daiou]
- The 1999 LaserDisc covers are posted through courtesy of HassySoda, the socials of which you can find here. The scans are theirs!